The accessory you never leave home without. With our selection of bags, you will never be short on choices. It's the last thing you need to grab before you go. Heading out for a long day? You should grab one of our handy women's backpacks and be ready to seize the day. Our nifty clutch bags or mini bags are perfect if you want to grab your credit card and hit a few stops while in town! For the big-packers, we have spacious shoppers and totes made just for you. You know those stunning designer bags you dream about owning? That's where our inspirations stem from. Don't be caught dead without one of our shoulder bags. Sling any cross body bag on, and you'll be looking fly in no time. If you are a hands-free kind of gal, grab a bum bag and don't think twice! No matter what you're up to, Miss Hussy has you covered with the latest fashion bags and purses at the best prices!